Orthodontic aftercare

After completing orthodontic treatment you must follow the instructions of your orthodontist and dentist to keep your new straight smile. In order to care for and enhance your new smile we provide cosmetics and retainers. Let 1A Orthodontics help you complete the perfect smile that we spent the last few months creating together.


Caring for your smile

Just like before and during your treatment it is vitally important to maintain your dental health and hygiene after treatment is completed. We will advise you on the best tooth brushing technique and give tips on flossing and using inter-dental brushes.

It is also important to maintain your gums. Just brushing your teeth regularly is not always enough, gums are just as important as teeth and there’s a much higher link to dental care and general wellbeing than many people think. We will also provide you with top tips on maintaining healthy gums after treatment is complete.

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Braces Aftercare in London
Orthodontic Mouth Guard


At the end of your active orthodontic treatment, your orthodontist will provide retainers for you to wear. These are to ensure stability of results after active treatment is completed.

If you do not wear your retainer as recommended, you teeth are likely to drift towards their original positions. If this occurs then the only way to correct them may be to retreat with fixed appliances.

Once your appliance has been removed, Impressions are taken of your teeth in their new position and one of two types of retainers is made;

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Post treatment Cosmetic Dentistry

Did you know that one in four of us in the UK are unhappy with our smile? With advances in modern dentistry, it's no longer just a case of filling and taking out teeth. Cosmetic dentistry, or ‘aesthetic dentistry', is used as a means of improving the appearance of teeth. Used to straighten, reshape, lighten and repair teeth, cosmetic dentistry should always aim to produce natural-looking results for patients. Our wide range of effective cosmetic treatments can help you with your discoloured, worn, chipped or crooked teeth.

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Night Guard After Braces

Healthy eating for a great new smile

Whether you wear a fixed or removable brace during your orthodontic treatment it is important to monitor your diet to ensure optimal tooth health. However careful you are about brushing and mouth-rinsing, some braces can make it harder to keep your mouth clean. Not only must your oral hygiene be good, but you must watch what you eat.

Custom Fitted mouthguards

If you are involved in any contact sport, we highly recommend wearing of a mouth guard to protect your teeth from damage or from being knocked out. Protecting more than just knocked out teeth, mouthguards can also minimise the impact of collisions, helping to protect your jaw and other areas of the face. A good-fitting mouth guard is important if you wear braces, have fixed anterior bridgework or simply want to protect your teeth/smile from potential trauma. The most effective type of mouth guard is one that is tailor-made and individualised to you. 1A Orthodontics will make your mouth guard out of the very best high quality materials, ensuring that it is comfortable and well-fitting as well as long-lasting and durable. Your resilient mouth guard will stay firmly in place during action.

Mouth Guard Orthodontic London

Apples and toffees!

When wearing fixed appliances it soon becomes clear that crunchy and chewy foods are the enemy; however, they are not the only enemy. Advice on diet from orthodontic specialists will focus on the welfare of the braces and you will be warned against toffees, popcorn, gum and hard foods such as crunchy apples or carrots, nuts and crusty bread.

Private Orthodontic Treatments London
Orthodontic Practice in London

Some diet guidance

Go for low acid (ph greater than 4.5) options, such as bananas, mangoes, melons, soups, pasta, milk, dairy foods, vegetables, meat, poultry, seafood and eggs. Any recipe you choose must make it easy to bite and chew so vegetables should be chopped small or cooked or pureed. Starchy foods can stick to your teeth and do harm so try and keep snacks like crisps to a minimum. Why not choose wraps, tortilla or pitta to replace conventional breads and consider dishes such as risotto or lasagne for minimum chewing and crunching? For breakfast, porridge is a fantastic option. It’s much easier than muesli which combines crunchiness with chewing!

Avoid the sweet stuff!

Drinks and foods with high acid content have the most potential for harm. Some of these may appear quite health-giving, such as fruits and their juices, fruit tea and balsamic vinegar but the acids they contain temporarily soften tooth enamel and can lead to a condition called acid erosion. Be wary of carbonated drinks or over-consumption of anything with a lot of vinegar, such as salad dressings or pickles. Keep sweet foods and drinks to a minimum, especially when you have braces on.

Aftercare For Braces in London
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